
Mogwai's Mind

I ran into this blogger through OGHC and so far I love the posts. He's teaching in Japan and writes about his adventures there and has some pictures posted here and there. Love it so far.

Clink the link above to check it out.


Anonymous said...

Hehe, thanks for the plug. :) Blogging is a funny thing that way, you stumble upon peoples' things and they stumble on yours. Anywho, I will now also be looking out for posts on your blog.


Anonymous said...

aw thanks that's really sweet. well i should direct you to my favorate bitching spot! the brood blog. in fact i have a few people that write on that page so there's always plenty of new material.

you know. i always laughed at the whole blogging thing. but i really got sick of doing a community gamer site and decided to turn the the blog side. lol i like it much better, but i still feel very scatterbrained about it.

you know, if you haven't seen the google reader you should check it out. it's much easier to keep up with blogs that way.