5:00 pm
here i go again. another day, i wonder how long i'll be able to actually keep this up. :) i'm hoping to just do it on as much of a regular basis as i can muster.
it's 5pm and my work out is about to get started. let's see if i can manage to do at least one hour without interruption....would be nice.
oh...and i wouldn't ever do this barefoot. you could really hurt yourself if you don't know what your doing you know...
oh man, i'm beat. my back is aching, my legs are throbbing and i'm sweating like a pig. i stopped in between a few songs here and there to stretch. i always forget that i have to keep myself nice and loose. certainly the half-assed warm up i do before my work out isn't doing anything to help. i better make sure i give it a good try because i'm really going to hurt myself.
i spent so much of the holidays parking my lumpy ass on my lumpy ass couch and seem to have developed quite the lumpy back (ass back just didn't seem to fit. lol). i can almost feel a bump on the right hand lower side. i keep trying to stretch it out, but i'm feeling like i'm going to have to get help. maybe i'll just try to ice the spot.
my knees are creaking too. man, i know i can work through this. i want to be able to go jogging one of these days and not feel like i'm going to fall over. i'm sure it would help if i quit smoking too. dur...like no one is sure about that. course that's not going to happen. i'll cut back to be sure, but right now. even my achey lungs aren't enough to stop me. they're just not that achey.
now i'm starving and if i don't yank rigid off the xbox i'll never get any food. mmmmm, lengua burrito. *slurp* you with you were me bitch. i know you do.
wow, my burned calories scores pretty much match up!
ddr recorded my burned cal's at 612.46 and i recorded 612.455. perfect.
one last thing, if you ever actually think about doing ddr as an actual work out, please don't do it barefoot. it's so damn bad for you and let me tell you something, you will regret it when you're older. trust me, i'm not even 40 yet and i TOTALLY regret ever doing anything strenuous barefoot or without the proper stretching and warm up. i still suck at it, but i have to give it my best. in the long run, my limbs will thank me for it.
wow, i'm proud of myself. all i wanted to do was burn at least 1000 calories and in 3 days i burned a total of 1617.568 cal's. how cool is that?...i wonder if that's good? i mean, it feels good, but i'm not a sporty kind of gal. never kept track of stuff like that and in terms of food i have no idea what it means either. as far as i'm concerned, it goes down the hole and comes out the other end. i'm sure that explains a lot.
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