
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Sells a Million U

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Sent to you by Maharet via Google Reader: Star Wars: The Force

Unleashed Sells a Million Units, Despite Critics via Gaming Today on


As the release date for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed drew close last

week, many fans were disappointed to hear early reviews that rated the

game somewhere between “terrible” and “mediocre.” Good thing the power

of the Star Wars brand coupled with the inclusion of some insane Force

powers can overcome even the harshest criticism. VGChartz is reporting

that the game has sold over one million copies since its release last

week. Most of those sales were for the Xbox 360 apparently, while the

rest were evenly distributed among the other systems. Personally, I’m

glad to hear most people were able to look past the flaws (which were

admittedly numerous) to enjoy the great game underneath it all. Sure

the camera and controls were kind of wonky, and some enemies and bosses

were annoyingly tough (whoever came up with the “Purge Troopers” needs

to be smacked upside the head); but it still had one spectacular story

and some of the best Force powers this side of Psi-Ops.

Via VGChartz


Related Articles at Gaming Today:

- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Unveiled by Lucasarts

- The Force Unleashed Screens Show Us What We Already Knew: Darth Vader

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- The Force Unleashed Artwork and Screens

- E3 2007: New Star Wars: Force Unleashed E3 Trailer

- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed GDC Video

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