
Phorexia on GTP

Xbox Live - GamertagPics Phorexia Profile

"challenges included skullin a can of Coke, top Mario Kart racer, havin a raw egg, havin a cracker smeared with wasabi and some singin and rappin stuff. We missed out on the good stuff since we were runnin overtime so that kinda sucked but it was good enough." What kind of game is this?

regarding his yoga class where he was surrounded by girls, "...I dozed off on the floor, and was snorin slightly. Didn't realise till later when Emma told me but yeah that's what happened. The lady (I can't remember her name) told everyone to sit up in a sitting position, and I was still layin there sleepin. After a bit I came to and sat up quicksmart, and everyone was lookin and laughin at me."

Hmmm... getting the idea that he likes a certain someone right here on GTP... think I could be wrong?.

the football/soccer video clip he's got up on his intro is actually fun. great goal made by some buy. don't know who... just some guy. what do i know about soccer.

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