
Super GTP Bloggers

I was going to do this over the weekend, but laziness set in and I never got around to it. I've been so very happy with the blogger system on GTP. I do wish my list could be bigger as I have a large appetite for reading, but I can always add to my fav's on Google Reader, my favorite RSS reader. In fact this is how you do it for those of you that want to know simply add this text and add your favorite GTP members gamertag. Let me tell you something though. If there are spaces in the person's name your screwed. I forgot what Zamees told me to do in this case. Sometimes you just add a 20% in between spaces, but I have no clue... bug Zamees if you must. Sorry. Now today I'd like to mention a few of my fellow GTP Bloggers. Some people have great stuff up on their blogs that are really worth mentioning and really worth checking out. I have to say this World Cup buzz has really been going around and the top person on my list for World Cup info has got to be Klunkk. He's giving us a day by day rundown of events and I'm really hoping he keeps it up because it's the perfect way for me to stay on top of the latest info. I love the song he's got running up there it makes reading his posts really fun. It just add that certain kind of manic energy. The kind you feel after having had a grande mocha with a shot of espresso...two in fact. Very nice and very colorful. In fact Day 4 is up there NOW so check it out! Now if you'd like to have a bit of information on the World Cup from a girls perspective then you'll have to check out Djanae's blog and scroll down to A Trip Down Memory Lane. It's really too bad she was in a rush to finish that one because I was really getting into her story. You can't go wrong when you start incorporating chocolate mud cake in your World Cup frenzy. The World Cup from the teens perspective is always interesting. With titles like World Cup Continues, Sport, Sport and More Sport and Socceroos your sure to get in a good read. Granted, there are a few too many "but yeah..." & "and yeah so..." & "so...yeah" for my taste, but.... so ... yeah. Read it m'kay? Phorexia really works at it and really tried to keep his readers involved in the World Cup phenomenon while taking the time to answer the Blog Topic of the Day questions. By the way... what the hell are Socceroos anyway? We'll have to ask Phorexia because I have no clue. I wanted to thank these guys because I doubt I would be as into the World Cup as I am this year without them. I've actually enjoyed watching a few games and I was really happy that I had the opportunity to watch Mexico VS Iran and actually like it. I suppose being a part of the community has really helped. Even my husband got into it. He who's love of Rugby doesn't allow him to watch or enjoy any other sport. If he can't watch Rugby what's the point? This concludes my entry for Super GTP Bloggers. I hope you've enjoyed the trip. So a nucca is up against our heavyweight champ EvilPrincess and let me tell you something. if we were judging these people based on their pictures you'd be hard pressed to choose...If you're gay or a girl that is. This guy has such a cute picture up there. It's like your looking at the girl next door , with evil undertones you'll never see except on gtp, and the guy next door to her. Such a cutie! The picture looks like the kind of headshot you take to an audition where you just might have the chance to be cast in an episode of 7th Heaven. Of course that idea gets shot to shit when you read, "All I can say is if I don't get helped soon, I'm gonna shit on someone before I leave and hope he gets ecoli." on his blog. Fucking great...fucking classic!!!

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