
My Bamboo writing PAD ThinGY



Okay. I Got bored so Rather than look For string I decided to write another Post. Only this NME I'm using my Bam Boo writing PAD. it's Not so BAD. Actually it's pretty bad. It actually censors me. I hate being censored.

I, thought having my own pad might be really. Cool but it seems that the worse I mere better it understands me. It's_SHIT I this is A pain in the ass.

I Don't feel like fixing all of the mistakes either. Just doesn't feel worth it. If I write really slow It seems to do better, but not by much. Also its best to use cursive handwriting because you don't have to pick up the pen as you would with longhand. Longhand only confuses things.

I'm just watching Rigid play C.O.D-MW. I think I'm kicking him off shortly. I'm so bored I'm going out of my skull.