Why that's a horrible thing to say? Okay. If you say so.
The problem that I see with joining silly groups is that there are people out there that actually stand firm on those issues. Anything from the Aliens UFO's The Truth group to I HATE MOTHS group...Until recently there was even a Kill Obama group. No one really takes groups like that seriously. Really, I can't imagine anyone other than an insane person taking something like that seriously...ever...at all BUT there are certain groups that people can very easily take seriously. Perhaps something that could one day come up on a bill. Something we may one day have to vote on or similar issues. Given enough time and enough public debate one might even get the idea that they fully understand an issue or feel as if they've researched an issue simply because they discussed it on a forum.
Something as serious as mothers being drug tested before becoming a welfare recepient could one day be an issue we will have to vote on. Hell, it could be an issue we may have no choice about. The problem I see with that is simple. Should a child...should just one child in our nation every go hungry or be without a safe place to live because you, that taxpayer, have decided that women shouldn't be given money because they may be drug users?Are you fucking kidding me?
Don't get me wrong. There are plenty of men and women that shouldn't be receiving welfare. Plenty. But you have no idea...and when I say you have no idea I mean YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA how many more FUNCTIONAL drug users and alcoholics there are out there in our fucked up little world. NO FUCKING IDEA. FUNCTIONAL. Do you understand what that means? Where you raised by a functional alcoholic? Hmmm? Were you? Were you raised by a functional drug addict? Hmmmm? Do you have any idea what I'm talking about? Was your life really that perfect? Are you perfect little taxpayer? Are you?
I would love to see half the people who have signed up to a group like that honestly tell me that their parents have NEVER done drugs. Never over imbibed. I would love that. So when my little Rigid tells his friends on Xbox Live that he joined another friend in one of those little groups "just for the fuck of it" all I can think is..."Jeesus, my husband is dumb." Just dumb. Not an asshole, not a stupid dumb fuck or a moron. No, he's just dumb. Not that he believes what that group stands for and not that he gives a crap about what he has to say, but that he doesn't simply help his friends think. Rather than debate something with a friend and argue a point to help him understand the bigger picture he will simply go along with it.
Then after seeing the look on my face doesn't even bother to argue with me about it and just writes it off saying he's just joining for the hell of it, not because he believes it or anything. That just trips me the fuck out. Why in the world would anyone do something like that? It makes no sense.
Wanna know what my stance is on the subject? Find the pieces of shit that leave these women out in the cold with their fucking babies and put them in jail. Find them and make them pay. How about instead of putting restrictions on the mothers we restrict the dicks that make them mothers in the first place? I mean literally restrict the dicks....Don't want to take care of your baby? Can't have anymore asshole. You should not be allowed to make anymore babies if you can not take care of the one you have. If you can not or will not contribute to the health and wellbeing of the child you spawned you should not be allowed to create more. Women only have a certain number of eggs in them, but men have a whole hell of a lot of sperm. Why not, instead of drug testing women, drug up the bastards leaving them behind?
I'm kind of partial to the idea of say...a dick bracelet that injects some sort of spermkiller right into their fucking nuts. How's that bitches? How's that for a fucking GREAT idea?
I think we need to make an addition to the Campain For Chemical Castration group on Facebook.