
UFC Backtalk On Facebook

well, i accidentally spammed myself. LOL
Saturday at 1:15pm · Privacy: ·  · 

  • VI'S GIRL likes this.

    • T: Mmmmm spam sandwich
      Saturday at 5:32pm · 

    • VIOL8R: I love spam sammiches but you know what I love more? The feeling im gonna get when I kick your tuna eating arse in UFC Trainer on Kinect! Im all limbered and oiled up with my banana hamock on so I have 100% asskicking mobility lol!
      4 hours ago · 

    • MAHA: BRING IT OOOOOOOOON!!!! I will SLAP that banana hamock right off and smash your face in my tuna samich! TUNAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaechoaaa​aaaechoaaaaaaaaecho
      3 hours ago via Facebook Mobile · 

    • VIOL8R: There better be some Old Bay. a tomater and that bread better be toasted!
      3 hours ago · 

    • MAHA: Old bay wtff? I only use the finest secret sauce ingredients. Please enjoy teh beatdown.
      3 hours ago via Facebook Mobile ·